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STUFF that God says...

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The title sounds arrogant I know...but do you ever ask God stuff and marvel at the answers He drops into your spirit?

I asked Jesus one day when I was in a bit of a pickle in my prayer time...as I had been praying to 'Father' quite a lot recently.

"Oh Jesus, I'm sorry...I've been so busy talking to Father, I seem to be tagging You onto the end of my prayers!!!" Then I said, "Oh Holy Spirit I don't mean to leave You out..!"

I was starting to get all upset, because I loved them all and didn't want to miss anyone out.

Then Jesus spoke up on the inside of me and said in such a Love filled, peace filled, gentle, wonderful voice. "I and My Father are One." [Echad - Hebrew meaning Oneness of the Elohim triune God]

Now to all you out there, that is so glaringly obvious. But at the time it wasn't to me, I caught the Rhema of that, and now don't beat myself up anymore. The mechanics are, that all my prayers go to Father, in the name of Jesus, through the Holy Spirit in me. And I am now one with the Trinity! Thank You Jesus! Echad indeed!

Every day the Schema is said by Israelis. "Hear oh Israel, the Lord, the Lord our God is One". Amen to that!

On another note, I went for a long walk praying in tongues one day, and by the end I felt so frustrated! I wanted to address the Holy Spirit more intimately and not call Him by a title, so to speak. Again, in frustration I cried out and asked, "Aaargh! What do I call You?"

As I approached my home, He breathed softly into my spirit...and it was only one name..."Friend." Oh wow!

I have since learned that friend, and friendship are covenant words. Many years later, that wonderful song has come out, titled, 'I am a friend of God' and the lyrics respond, 'He, calls me friend'.

Now this last one, really made me laugh...

Karen asks... "God? Scientists and physicists call it, 'the anomalous expansion of water'. You know God? Like when water freezes on top of a pond?
Yet underneath it is still liquid, at a temperature of 4 degrees... Why did you make it do that?"

God's reply...?

"So that the fish wouldn't die."

Talk about matter of fact and practical! Nothing anomalous about God at all!

It's very simple really. [I think the scientists are a bit slow to cotton on though.]


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Karen that is SO Refreshing!!!!!! It's been troubling to me within this past year, WHO do I pray to? I knew that Jesus said to pray to the Father in Jesus name, but I had become confused because of all the people who pray TO the Holy Spirit and TO Jesus. God even led me to a church that Just So Happened (not really, God planned it out just for me) to have a sunday class that was talking on that exact subject. BUT, I missed most of it because of my HORRIBLE bad habit of staying up till 3 or 4 am... I know that it's the enemy and it's a Serious battle waging in my brain. So, I was just sort of talking to God the other day and told Him that I'm still confused and that I know He is not the author of confusion, LOW and Behold, He inspires YOU to Unconfuse me With Rays of Light on Top!!!! What a BRILLIANT reply to your question, So confounding to those liberal darwinian "scientists" that the water though below freezing was made that way as to NOT kill the fish, being possibly one out of a hundred reasons why God made the water to not freeze under the ice.

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Oh, I love how Jesus and the Holy Spirit spoke to you and WHAT they said is just like a sweet smelling

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Absolutely wonderful Karen. God is soooo Good. This is how I've come to know the Lord...He is simple. We have made Him so complex and difficult and He is the epitome of simplicity.

Your communion with Him is a good lesson to all of us to "settle down". It's not that hard. God sent Jesus to make our life so simple...we just need to read and allow our Friend, the Holy Spirit, to minister these truths to us and life will be as easy and simple as God designed it to be for us, His Beloved.

I feel blessed for reading...thank you!

"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:30)

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Amen Cholette, I am coming to an understanding of God's simplicity and how He wants our lives to be.

Today has been a wonderful day

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interesting, water is the only compond that floats, all the others crystlize and sink. Water confounds the scientist, because it defies what it should do.

I too was at a church that dint understand the trinity, brings back memories
good post

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