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Anger management

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I am asking for Gods grace for me to do well in school and get work if I need to.
My husband isnt working a lot.
Please pray that God direct him. He gets angry and depressed and I never know when he is going to erupt. Please pray for me about that. I often dont know what to do when he gets angry and blames me for wahtever it is. this am he said the house wasnt clean enough but he refusd help to clean it.
I applied last year for a job with the Census and I just called them and they said I passed the background check and test and they will be calling me in late March.God is good.I am believing He will lead me.

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Hi justblueskies. I've had similar experiences. When anybody starts in on you like that, it's really important to recognize that they are listening to evil things being spoken into their ears. Many people who blame like that have no filter between their ears/brains/mouths. They speak whatever pops into their heads, no matter the toll that it takes on the other person. Satan is the accuser, and we don't fight against flesh and blood (each other), so your battle right then, when those words come out of him, is with the devil.....and the devil only. BUT you have somebody that's going to stand in the gap for you....Mr. Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

This has helped me: I say, "Get thee behind me satan...I rebuke you, I curse you. I plead the blood of Jesus over myself and everyone in this home." It usually shuts the other person up. Yeah, they think you're crazy, but you know what you just did to the devil?!?!??!! So.....let them think what they want. The devil doesn't think you're going to risk lookin' crazy in order to pound him into the dirt. He assumes that you'd rather take the tongue lashing from your husband over looking like the fool in front of him. It's hard for us to be bold, but it's part of warfare, and if we're not putting the devil in his place, then we're usually a part of friendly fire with the people in our lives.

I'll be praying for you sister. God has you in the palm of His mighty hand. He'll stand in the gap for you. Things are going to change in your favor....God won't allow you to go through this forever. You're His precious child, He loves you and He's going to keep you. God bless you.

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Christa wrote:

This has helped me: I say, "Get thee behind me satan...I rebuke you, I curse you. I plead the blood of Jesus over myself and everyone in this home." It usually shuts the other person up. Yeah, they think you're crazy, but you know what you just did to the devil?!?!??!! So.....let them think what they want. The devil doesn't think you're going to risk lookin' crazy in order to pound him into the dirt. He assumes that you'd rather take the tongue lashing from your husband over looking like the fool in front of him. It's hard for us to be bold, but it's part of warfare, and if we're not putting the devil in his place, then we're usually a part of friendly fire with the people in our lives.

At first, I saw this and chuckled at how ridiculous I would feel actually doing this to someone. I guess with a situation producing enough passion in me it might be easy to do but thinking of you actually doing this was hysterically funny. I was in the process of sending a post remarking on how funny I found it.

But then, someone sent me this post:

"Someone I had a lot of respect for did that ("Get thee behind me satan...I rebuke you, I curse you.") to me when I was young, it hurt me deeply and I didn't do anything wrong. It only
confirmed in my heart what I already felt about myself, that for sure, I would never see heaven or Jesus because I was so evil just my very existence was the devil. Funny cause I was on a mission trip..."

I never thought how this kind of action might hurt someone because honestly if pushed far enough I could see myself doing this. Naturally, since receiving this post, I would encourage readers to do this ONLY if you feel a definite leading by Holy Spirit. Otherwise, in our zeal, we may do what some ignorant person did to the person above and unintentionally hurt an innocent person.

Hopefully this message was delivered as gently as I intended it to be delivered.


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I agree with Mia. I would never imagine in my wildest dreams that someone would do that to an innocent person, let alone a child. How horrid. So, of course, get the "OK" from Holy Spirit before going into any situation involving the feelings of others.

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