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God speaking to us in dream

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I wonder if there is a time in our lives when God isn't speaking as much to us. I mean personally if He isn't speaking as much to me or that he stops. I only ask this because of right now not dreaming as much or remembering what I am dreaming. Does a person get a break from the Lord sometimes, or is it because we don't heed his voice, that he stops speaking and doesnt want to tell us anything new because we didnt get it the first time? I mean I m probably really ignorant as to dreams and stuff, not really knowing my own heart. And does not knowing my own heart figure in to why I have such a hard time really seeing dreams? It's like I can do all the praying in the world but still I have to depend upon what someone else says about my dreams, then, I still don't really understand because it sounds like Greek to me. I just feel like maybe God has given up on me or maybe I've given up on myself.
I guess its safe to say that I am pretty discouraged about all of this.


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Let me start by saying God will never leave or forsake you. That is a guaranty and it also says in his word that his word will not return to him void but will do all that he sent it to do. I think that sometimes we go through dry spells with the Lord where we don't hear him. I think these are times when he tries us and test us. Is he punishing us? No! He is molding us to be stronger in him. When I am in a dry spell I stay very close to his word. The dreams will come and will be remembered. I ask the Lord to help me keep the dream so I can write it down....he has always helped me there. I hope this is helpful to you. Stay encouraged. He loves you so much. You can't even imagine how much.

Love in Jesus,


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Amen, Connie!

It is both common and normal to go through dry spells. In my own case, I dream less and/or have a harder time remembering my dreams when I'm very busy - it's harder to hear from the Lord in those instances. I also find during those times I'm not in the Word as much as I should be and/or may not be praying as often as I normally do but once I force the time into my schedule, and ask for dreams again things return. And during these times I find it more challenging to interpret dreams.

However, sometimes I am fully engaged but am still not hearing from Him. And in these instances what Connie has said is right on point and I would add the following:

- Discouragement is not of God. He will never leave us nor forsake us but the enemy will use this quiet time as an opportunity to make us feel that we're unworthy of the Lord and that's why we're not hearing from Him which of course is a lie. This is when it's good to start reading the Bible for stories of encouragement.

- The other reason to read the Bible is because God may be speaking to you, but not through dreams at the moment. As we know (but as dreamers sometimes need to be reminded of the fact that), dreams are only but one way that God speaks to us. We may be seeking to hear from Him through dreams when in fact, He's using another means, e.g., through the Bible or through other people, and we're missing Him because we limit the ways in which we will hear from Him.

- Check your recent dreams - it may be that He's given you instruction on something He wants you to do and you've not done it yet. Further instructions may not come until you've completed your current 'assignment'.

- Use this quiet period as a period to continue to praise and worship Him. Continue to pray, read the Word, fast, etc. This may be a test of faith (and trust) to see if you're a fair weather believer or to see if you're faithful to and believe Him under all circumstances.

Connie's signature scripture applies here as well (Proverbs 3:5-6). Continue to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean NOT to your own understanding because it is limited and frail in comparison to the Lord. Be encouraged and confident that even when you're not hearing from Him, He's still loving you and caring for you and blessing you! flower

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I understand what you've been saying. I was sick and wasnt up to doing much although I did pray. I ve been so busy at the time I was sick I was flat on my back for a while which helped me to slow down. Now, I am kind of alert to what God might want to say to me. I have been dreaming but I have no idea what it really means especially since it doesnt make sense to me. two things that dont go together. but thank you for your responses. i think i kind of starting waving the white flag of surrender.


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it seems that the dry spell is over in terms of my dreams. since I have been dreaming mostly about things that were in my own mind and not exactly godly dreams where there is a spiritual message. does a person have to have an anointed gifting to have godly prophetic dreams or is that a gift in itself that points to a spiritual gift? if a person dreams nightly, could it be that they have a lot on their minds and it isnt necessarily God? stuff in their hearts that shows itself in their waking lives? also, when people say or write, that if the dream isn't godly or given a message like that then don't accept it, how do you know if a dream is satanic in origin?


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blossom wrote:
I understand what you've been saying. I was sick and wasnt up to doing much although I did pray. I ve been so busy at the time I was sick I was flat on my back for a while which helped me to slow down. Now, I am kind of alert to what God might want to say to me. I have been dreaming but I have no idea what it really means especially since it doesnt make sense to me. two things that dont go together. but thank you for your responses. i think i kind of starting waving the white flag of surrender.


Attractive Opposites~ Occasionally, God uses ''Repetition" in our lives and even in dreams when He talks with us. sometimes He uses it for emphasis, and sometimes for other reasons. When Peter first begain ministering, he ministered only to Jews. When it came time to start ministering to Gentitles, his religion got in his way. He was a Jew, and Jews didn't believe that Gentitles could be saved. But God had other ideas. So he spoke to Peter in a sision about his error. He sent hin the same fax three times {Acts 10:9-20}. He wasn't just trying to emphasize His message; He was telling Peter to conform to what He was revealing to him. On another occasion, God gave Pharaoh two dreams, informing Pharaoh that the dreams were given in two forms because the matter would surely come to pass. The message of Pharaoh's dream contained good news and bad new. The good news? There's good times ahead. The bad news? They won't last! And besides that, God even revealed to Pharoah when the market was going to crash {Gen. 41:1-7, 32-36}! God is no respecter of persons and He dosen't change. He still warns those He loves about trouble ahead and uses opposites even when two things don't go together like that of Repetition. When Paul and Silas were thrown into jail (Acts 16:24) one would have to think that this would not be a form of rest....but it was. When we read back through the chapter of Paul and Silas they were run constantly...well...the Lord provided a place of rest even though it wasnt an motel 8....but was a form of rest. Not no where else in the word of God does it say that Paul and Silas sang a song of praise, why? Repetition....meaning machenically repeated events from town to town and sayings in there lives not meaningless but associated with....therefore creating a new-thing in there lives and giving them rest at the same time with a song of praise causeing them to discover and recover. God Bless You Sister~~~

Sister Halo

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gives me something to think about. i do like what you said about 'repetition' because that always seems to be something that happens in my dreams, like God is saying to me, well you seem not to understand it this way, why not try another way. or perhaps my own conscious is pushing things up to the front. i can understand what God was do with Peter, by giving him that vision more than one time because Peter was rejecting what he believed was wrong. Do you think he constantly uses this opposites thing in our lives a lot? From what I am beginning to understand about dreams, most of our symbols could come from the bible or what their symbols stood for, yet they didn't seem to have everyday personal dreams but those that affected a whole nation or world or some kind of truth, as in the case of Peter. hence that's why people commonly refer to dreams as something a person ate like pizza the night before.


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What do you think it means when God gives you a scripture in Exodus 23:20 "Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared?"
Do you think God really sends an angel or is that figuratively?


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Interesting that God gave you that scripture Blossom because he gave me that same exact scripture (the whole chapter) YEARS ago. In my case, the Angel was symbolic for my Pastor and the Holy Spirit. I've had several pastors since I've received that scripture, but as I've removed my eyes from "man", I've realized that the scripture was about the Holy Spirit leading me into the place that God prepared for me.

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Thank you Cholette, that helps a lot. I've often wondered and perhaps should have asked sooner about that scripture after getting it so often. It would have helped me to understand what God was trying to tell me. It seems I still need a lot of help in determining what God is saying to me although I do pray a lot myself. What happens to a person when their spirit is wounded or such that God cannot speak and the person hear? I mean, God can hear us very well, but what if I cannot hear God? Isn't it our spirits that connect us to God?


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blossom wrote:
What do you think it means when God gives you a scripture in Exodus 23:20 "Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared?"
Do you think God really sends an angel or is that figuratively?


Exodus 23:20~ Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. This perticular scripture speaks of blessings and deliverence due to obedience to the Word of God which brings prosperity and blessings, disobedience brings failure and pusnishment. Prosperity is often viewed as material wants. The Lord does provide material wants due to obedience that has been obtained in times past in order to have these things. But however, there is ''Spiritual-Prosperity" aswell....this usually comes in the form of wisdom and knowledge and givieth understanding as the Word of God is read and obeyed. Part of our covenant agreement with God is that we trust and obey Him in return for His deliverence and salvation. Alas...This scripture also speaks of prepareing the way that is ahead of you, to keep thee in the way.....what way? his way, Amen...and to bring thee into a place which I have prepared....what place is that?....spiritual prosperity.....pertaining to this perticular scripture. God Bless~

Connie and Lola did give some real good doctrine, I applaid both of them for a job well done. That was awesome Lady's.

Sister Halo

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It seems I still need a lot of help in determining what God is saying to me although I do pray a lot myself. What happens to a person when their spirit is wounded or such that God cannot speak and the person hear? I mean, God can hear us very well, but what if I cannot hear God? Isn't it our spirits that connect us to God?

Blossom, the ONLY answer I am able to give you is to continue in His Word. We've all been wounded in some form or fashion and have our seasons when it's hard to hear the Lord. That doesn't mean He stops speaking to us, we just need to get into a place where we can hear Him. When seasons like this come, I am in His Word. I read scriptures and the Holy Spirit causes scriptures to come to life for me. The Word of God is LIVING and POWERFUL (Hebrews 4)...it does things inside of us even before we know anything about it. It's supernatural in the way that it works. It goes deep down into the places and fixes, heals and ministers.

Trust me, if you can't hear His Voice, then listen for Him in the Word of God.

I also want you to know that the scripture in Exodus is a promise. Stay connected to God through His Word and it will lead you to where He has predestine for you to go. You will make mistakes along the way, but the punishment for those mistakes were placed upon Jesus. He completed the work for you and you have already been blessed with EVERYTHING pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3)

Blessings my sister!

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I have to tell you that reading for me is a sacrifice. I hate to read. So when I spend quiet time with the Lord reading it is not only a sacrifice but it is a form of worship. When we worship the Lord we do what pleases him regardless of what pleases us. I am being reminded even as I type this that we all need to do more of what pleases him rather than what pleases us. Reading the word is soaking in Jesus. He is the written word. How can we know Jesus if we don't read the word. We want the Lord to reveal himself to us but we will not read his word and that is where he reveals himself the most. He taught me that early on in my Christian walk. That is where I hear him the most now. I hear him in the word much more than any other method. After the word, then dreams, then through audible discussion. My walk with the Lord developed much more when I became a reader and seeker of the word.

I pray this is of encouragement to you,

Love in Jesus,


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I will definitely do that and am doing reading his word. In fact its interesting that I did take that same scripture today that I read from Exodus again. I m sure God is making sure I am really getting this message he wants to give me by telling me again about it and reminding me about it. thank you all for what you wrote. i am definitely getting it. i suppose in the true sense God wouldnt have any problem telling anyone anything if he wanted. i see that in the scriptures too. i guess i just have to dig deeper. thank you again Dove, Cholette, everyone for responding

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