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Special prayers

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I need prayers of protection for me and my son. I am in the middle of a divorce and custody situation that is not amicable. We've been separated for over 7 months. It was an abusive relationship and I am experiencing severe attacks over my life, alot of things that have been going wrong but holding unto God. Need breakthrough in my life to be manifested, for myself and my child to move forward into God's future for us.

I was prophesied upon 3 months ago that I would meet the man who would appreciate me as I had always desired and also that God had a wonderful destiny for me and my son but evil curses/prayers were blocking my destiny from manifesting.

So my prayer request is for God to set me free to go forward into the destiny He has planned for myself and my child. To put the past behind me finally. To forgive this man who hurt me immensely. To forgive "friends" who hurt me tremendously in my moment of need. For my eyes to be focused on God my savior and refuge. My true best friend. My everything.

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Thank you so much for writing this prayer need. I, myself, have just decided to leave my abusive husband for the sake of me and my daughter. This may sound kinda weird, but I had a prophetess recently cast the "spirit of abuse" and the "spirit of fear" off of me. I didn't think anything happened at first, but as I started to walk away from her, I started getting squeezed really hard around my chest and arms. I felt like a train was hitting me. It was such a painful thing to get rid of. I don't have it anymore, but it sure gave me one last beating as it left. I now feel more empowered as a woman to take control and make a good family life for my daughter and I only.

Maybe you can get the church body to help you identify which curses or spirits have been holding you back. Have them cast out these things. I mean, when the prophetess came up to me, she screamed it and as she touched my arm she said, "get out of this woman!!!!" I wasn't demon possessed, but there was some oppression there that she recognized and she helped me to be free of it.

God bless you and I just want to pray for you right now......I ask God that you take the heaviness off of Delia's heart, that you fill her with your joy and peace. Give her the peace that passes all understanding. Give her the peace that Daniel had while he was in the Lion's den. Father God, please take away any spirit of fear, abuse, witchcraft, or any curses that have been placed on her. You say in your Word that "we are blessed and not cursed." We say to the devil right now, "Get thee behind me." I plead the blood of Jesus over Princess Delia and her son right now and I ask God that you send your angels to surround your children, your Princess and Prince, and protect them and hide them each and every day until this storm has passed. By the power of Jesus name I loose this woman from the bondage that the devil is trying to hold her with. I set her free by the power of the blood of Jesus, so that she may walk in freedom to do your will, Father God. Protect Delia, your precious child Jesus. And Lord, I also ask that you block the devil's attempts to hurt, steal and destroy Delia through this evil man, her ex-husband. I pray Lord that you will put hot burning coals on his head and convict him of his wrong doing. I ask Lord that you hide Delia in your hiding place, so that this man or any other evil thing can't see her. Father God, have your way, do your will, but I pray that Delia has perfect peace in the meantime about this situation. Thank you for being our protector. In Jesus' name...Amen.

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Dear Father Thank You for this day,for your mercy and faithfulness.
I know father you hear and answer prayer today Father in the name of Jesus,I come boldly in front of the throne of grace to ask you Lord ,To agree with my sister ,To beg you on her behalf.
Lord you know it all,You made our heart and you know the end from the beggining. For the multitudes of your mercy Father Do not close your ears to my prayer and attend me from heaven..look down and see my Sister's need.
Heal Father her heart and soul send your divine healing to her broken heart.
Lord speed up the new days on her life and remember her
Give her strenght to endure this trial,give her the confidence and confirmitation she need daily to continue her march on this path you are opening in front of her now.
Same way you faithfully sent Mana in the desert for your people Israel.same way father send your word every day for my sister.Not only of bread alone a man shall live your word said.
Father in Jesus name I declare my sister free of any spirit of Abuse ,Rejection,Revenge,Sorrow and in your precious name Jesus I apply the Blood of Jesus over her son,her possesions and over her mind Keep them safe in the palm of your hands for your honor and glory.
Let her testimony and the praise of her lips when they enter in possession of all the promises you faithfully made them in the time of adversity be the pay for your infinite mercy and faithfulness.
Lord in you my soul rejoice and wait.
Lord you have made known your marvelous works in our life.
Who among the gods is like you O'Jehovah?
Blessed be your name God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob..
Thank you father in Jesus name
We are nothing Lord but your love is infinite.
Thank you for the answer ,Save us and take us to your sanctuary.
Thank you for your mercy..Lord you only are God.
In Jesus Name.

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Thank you Christa and mbstudent, may the Lord hear the petitions brought before Him on our behalf, amen!

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Princessdelia, God has ALREADY done the things you are asking us to pray for. You are already free to go forward into your destiny...you just need to make a decision and do it. Your past is already behind you...you just need to press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling in Jesus Christ (Phil 4). Forgiveness is a choice sweety. You have to weight out how important your future is to you compared to what these people have done to you. You holding on to them is preventing YOU from moving forward...not them.

My prayer is that God will open your eyes to the finished work of Jesus Christ...that work that was accomplished at Calvary on the cross for YOUR sake. You are ALREADY free Princessdelia...who the son sets free is free in deed.

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Oh my heart can barely stand it........I so agree with all of the prayers here today. I have so been where you are. God did not create us to be a beating post or a door mat but a help mate to our husband. He is to love you like Christ loved the church and gave his life for it. Abuse is a spirit and so is abuse. It is usually a trauma in your life or a generational curse. Also address the spirit of heaviness. I would seek out deliverance if you haven't already done so. I pray the blood of Jesus over you and your seed. praying praying praying

God bless and I will be praying for you.

Love in Jesus,


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