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Our Savior hears us...His marvellous grace

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What a wonderful savior we have.
Yesterday I had money in my wallet, it was stolen. I had had good news all through the morning up until that moment, immediately I saw it was a ploy of the enemy to steal my joy and make me bitter.
I CHOSE to rejoice, I CHOSE to believe that our Father was in control. I CHOSE to declare that God was in control, Satan couldn't steal my joy and I was going to get back my wallet. With my pictures, my son's pics and my IDs and debit cards. I counted the money as a loss and knew that I'd get the money back. Part of that money in the wallet belonged to God, so I was determined I'd replace the money and do His work.
I kept saying it to myself, I kept believing it. In fact, I had such peace the whole day. I resisted the devil's lies about how could i get it back. I declared, Father, You will return it, I don't know how or when or even care, all I know is that my wallet shall be returned to me. Because I know I am Your child, I kept repeating the promises of His Word. I had such peace, I can't even explain it. It was peace that His Word declares.
I was about to go to bed, I still didn't fret. Whenever the devil tried to get me to feel sad about the wallet, I kept declaring God was going to give it back to me. I BELIEVED!!!
So at 11pm, I received a phone call.
'Ma'am, I found your wallet with your ID and pictures and everything....." I began to say, Bless the Lord Oh my Soul, all that is within me, Bless His holy name!!
I prayed for the person.
This morning as I waited for the wallet, the enemy started to give me fears and doubts about getting the wallet.
I muttered the WORD again--- He who began a good work, is faithful to complete it!!!


Praise God!

woo hoo

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WOW!! What an AMAZING testimony, Sister! I am so so happy for you. You have WON HUGE TIME! Not only was the enemy not able to steal your money and wallet, he was not able to take what he was really after - YOUR TRUST and CONFIDENCE in God and your IDENTITY as HIS CHILD who the Father LOVES dearly and WILL back up all the time! HALLELUIAH! Next time they would think TWICE before attacking you or trying to steal from you!
Your testimony is such a huge encouragement for us! Keep them coming, Sister and God bless!
:loveit: :loveit: :loveit:

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Soooooo excited and happy for you! God is good and He is faithful!!!

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