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Any help on how to tell my mom?

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I have been praying and God has shown me (and spoken through four pastor's) about my true calling and destiny to fulfill for the Lord.

That calling is to be a Pastor/Pastor's Wife/CEO, my mom knows about me wanting to be a CEO... but she does not know about the pastor thing. I always told her was I around the ages of 4-7 that being a pastor would be so awesome because I was in love with watching Kenneth & Gloria Copeland/ Commander Kellie, Along with Dr. Dollar and Pastor Paula. I stopped wanting to do this because I had a hard time pronouncing the 'er' in my words; I also just hated speaking in public because it took me one year just to learn how to read properly because of not being able to pronounce my r's correctly.

I am sixteen years old now, I love reading... I started to develop the love of writing/reading around 7 or 8, And I like reading out loud...(only when I want too.. jk)
I have the faith to say that I actually know who I am supposed to marry... I just do not want to tell my mom.
1) we had one bad experience with the guy because he was in a lot of pain from seeing his parents argue (He's a Pastor's Kid)
2) He got on my dad's bad side
3) No one really liked him anymore after he did that

I am no longer at that church anymore, I just need to know how I should present this to my mom without her calling me immature of naive or childish.

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Well, do you HAVE TO tell her? What's the importance in telling her since it's YOUR calling and it's going to happen whether she likes it or not. That may sound harsh, but if this is your TRUE calling, then its something that the Holy Spirit will lead you into over time and He's not going to care what other's think or feel about it.

There is a reason why you are not wanting to tell her and I'm thinking that maybe you should keep it to yourself until its time. You could be opening up something that you may not be able to handle right now. I'm actuallly getting ready to be ordained next month and NO ONE in my family knows at all. Why? because they are not for me. They only know who I used to be so for them to know that I'm going to be ordained may cause some unwanted turmoil in my life that I really don't need right now.

I say that you should remain prayerful about your calling and lay it all down before the Lord so the work that needs to be done in you can be done and then the right time will come for your mom to know.

Praying for you...

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