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Linda Irish

God talked to Me Through An Emergency Fire Radio

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I don’t even remember when I started all this, but ever since I was a young mom with little children I remember praying every time that I heard a siren.

I may have been inspired by the car wreck that I was in when I was nineteen with my husband and my newborn baby, Christy. I had amnesia from that, I now remember waking up alone in the hospital and not having a clue who I was and completely amazed to find out that I had a husband and a baby.

But whatever the catalyst was, I had incorporated a habit of praying every time that heard a siren…what made me think of this is the siren that I just heard just this morning here while I am still in bed and drinking my coffee for the day.

One summer day my daughter Courtney was over and we heard a siren and we kind of laughed that we were praying at the same time, and then she said something that I will never forget. She told me that one day she realized that she was starting to feel less passion when she prayed ~ and that really bothered her, so now when she prays she imagines that the ones who are in trouble, in a wreck or ill, she imagine that they are her children and this has restored the passion back to her prayers.

I was so inspired by what she said that I do this now. When I pray I imagine with all of my heart that it is my daughter, my son, my grandchildren, my parents or my husband who is in trouble. The Bible says, “The fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” but we know we are only righteous through faith in Christ and not any in ourselves alone.

One day in the horrible heat of the summer here in Northern California ( where I have seen days as hot as the 120’s), one terrible hot day, I got a call from my supervisor to stop what I was doing and go home too work on my reports.

I was not happy as our computer was in our garage and it was so hot it was like torture in my hot hot garage with the sun beating down on a room with no cooling system and no windows. This is where the computer was hooked up.(I preferred to do my reports in the evening during this hot weather…but here I was in the middle of the day)…I put on a t-shirt and shorts but still I was suffering.

To make it even worse, if that were possible, we always have my husbands fire radio on, and the noise of that ceaseless chatter was getting on my nerves…Finally in anger and irritation, I got up from the computer to shut it off….but as I was reaching for it, I felt a conviction in my spirit and the Holy Spirit said to me “I see, you only obey if it is convenient for you”…

I immediately felt remorse in my spirit for the anger…and then I really heard the fire radio. There was an accident, a man was hit on his motorcycle…and I felt it in my heart, and I started to cry. “I am so sorry Father please be there with this man, I pray salvation for his soul Father and that you are there Father for his healing, Lord send your angels to be with him and take care of him”…and I could hear on the radio that even as I was praying still the First Responders had not arrived yet….I was thinking of my son Dustin who nearly lost his life in his senior year in a terrible wreck. I knew then that God had put me here in this hot garage on this very day,for a reason.

I was cut to the heart and I continued to pray until I had peace that this man was in good hands and on his way to the hospital.

I had repented for my foolish and useless anger that almost kept me from being able to intercede that day. When I think back on this I Praise God for His long suffering with His children and for His mercy. What a mess we sometimes are.

The next day I was with a client eating lunch when I got a call from Courtney, “Mama I need you to pray for my friend Joe, he’s been in a terrible accident. He was on his motorcycle traveling at highway speed when a slow truck pulled in front and he couldn’t avoid it” she said. After we compared notes I realized that Courtney’s friend Joe, from school was the same young man that God had me interceding for the day before. My Courtney was deeply concerned and told me that Joe was one of the nicest people that she ever knew.

Courtney wanted to so something so she put together a raffle and joined in a larger fundraiser for Joe…and I sent a get well card to the family, with a note explaining that I had been led by God to pray for her son from the very beginning…..this was last year.

After all this time and out of the blue, amazingly I got a call the other day. The mother was going through all her son’s “Get Well” cards and came across my letter. She couldn’t believe that she had never noticed it and she was so excited to call me and let me know that Joe lived and he is doing well. He is in physical therapy. We talked and we both agreed that God was there for her son.We are planning to meet for coffee face to face and I am so happy that my heart is dancing. I could have missed this blessing except that God is great. Praise God! Praise God.

When you hear a siren…remember to pray. Amen.

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It has become natural for me to pray when I see/hear an emergency vehicle.

What an awesome and precious testimony!

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Yes, GOD IS SO AWESOME, and He is longsuffering with us, Praise God!!! Reading this story again brought tears to my eyes...I am amazed at God.

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I pray too, not all the time though. I do pray when I see an accident and sometimes when I hear a siren that I know is an ambulance.

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Praise God...let your children have a heart, to pray for others Lord. Let us have a burden for the lost and the hurting. We Love you Lord In Jesus name, amen

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