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I didn't know what to expect, but he made me feel like a treasure...

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So here's the story: All through my childhood, I was tormented by my classmates. Parents, you always tell your kids to go to school, but the very place that gives them an education could also give them terrible grief. Children are good examples of silent sufferers. Anyways, for three years straight almost everyone in my class was against me, even in the littlest ways. They all called me names and made me feel terrible. I never knew exactly why they picked on me. Other kids were unlikeable. Why me? After a while, It stopped but things still happened behind my back. On the minus side I sat next to a very rude girl Then, I finally cracked. In the fifth or sixth grade, I got depression and I had a total of 12 symptoms; here are a few: sadness, crying, headaches, weakness, worthlessness, extreme sensitivity to regection and failure, and loss of interest in things enjoyed in the past. It was because I was obsessed with a celebrity and becoming famous and I befriended a rude girl. I should also add that I befriended a popular girl and her friends were trying to break us up and there was some drama with her but she wasn't the cause of it. There was also a girl who thought of me like I wasn't even human. Even when I was right there, she insulted me to someone else. I'm not exaggerating, not one bit. Mom says to ignore them but it never works. You know why? It's everywhere! You can't escape it. Your in school until the end of college (or high school). Your with people until you die (blessed is the I enter heaven where no one rejects me! lol). You can't ignore it unless you enter some other world (why can't you parents see that!!!)!
We'll here's how Jesus fixed my mammoth-sized booboo: It was around July 26th 2009, I was on the internet and I found myself on tangle.com. There were these three special videos I saw that totally changed me. It talked about how valuble I am and what Jesus paid to be with me. It finally caught on, and I began to weep uncontrolably. It's like Jesus came down and and said, "They thought you weren't good enough, but you're good enough for me." I was healed of my depression. I'm free! He made me feel valuble, far more than anyone else believed me to be. He wrapped his arms around me and welcomed me to his own family. If you're going through hell and you're crying, guess what?! God collects tears, and he counts every single one of them. Run to him and let him wrap his arms around you. Listen! Hey calls for you! And if you can't find your way to him, he'll come find you. Just trust him and pray and have faith! Search "everything falls" by fee. You know, people didn't like me around too much. Even, my family got annoyed, but not Jesus. He's the only person ever that wanted to carry my full burden, and if that's true, then we do we have such a disdain for what we see when we look into the mirrior when he is in love with it? Why are we so darn insecure? Why do we sin? Why aren't we submitting our lives to him? Why are we so apathetic toward the One who burns with a passion for us and has given up everything he had so he could have us? Why are we not dedicating ourselves to the One who has dedicated his life to saving us? It's to good to be true but it's not that hard to engrave into our heart. Show this to people! Please! For Jesus's sake, don't be a chicken!

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It's like Jesus came down and and said, "They thought they weren't good enough, but you're good enough for me." I was healed of my depression. I'm free! He made me feel valuble, far more than anyone else believed me to be. He wrapped his arms around me and welcomed me to his own family. If you're going through hell and you're crying, guess what?! God collects tears, and he counts every single one of them. Run to him and let him wrap his arms around you. Listen! Hey calls for you! And if you can't find your way to him, he'll come find you. Just trust him and pray and have faith!

How awesome is our God hey!

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Ja huggins

I know your story, I've been there too. What a beautiful beginning at the end :hooray: He really is so Good :hallelujah:

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Hey guys can you show this to other young girls they might need to hear something like that.

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